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Ocean Tian Qiu
Houdini FX artist / td

Shots / RnD Breakdown
4 Methods break up the uniform look of flip sim:
1. Surface Curl Noise, influenced by the distance between the water surface and spaceship;
2. Push Velocity;
3. Gas Turbulence Field & Gas Vortex Confinement were added;
4. Pyro advect flip points.
Firestorm Tornado tech points:
1. Emitting fuel for tornado;
2. Bigger customized velocity field to protect the shape, since fuel will expand the pyro.
3. Customized pyro solver to push the vorticity.
Crowd Army Sim:
1. Transition graph makes sure the animations from walking to running right and smooth;
2. Guiding the crowds by path and avoid objects
3. Activating the transition for crowds by curve, time and object.
Lego FX:
1. Pyro to voxelized points, copied with cubes
2. Transfering the color attributes from pyro to points to cubes
3. Gave that color for emission in shader
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